Staff gathered for the internal rebranding launch of COHSASA’s new look. From left (in front): Marilyn Keegan, Nadine Joubert, Noleen Davids, Petra Sewing, Firdousa Ajouhaar and Roselyne October. From left (Back row): Leonard Londa, Riël Le Roux, Cheryl Adams, Kefuoe Machaea-Qwela. Mtisunge Chiotha, Jacqui Stewart and Giel van Schalkwyk. Absent from this photo: Elsa Wiehman and Laetitia Jackson.

COHSASA staff gathered at the Claremont headquarters early in October for the internal launch of the company’s new look.

They were involved in the rebranding process from the start by supplying ideas associated with the brand’s personality. They then selected one theme from four developed as the final brand. In a comprehensive presentation, Marketing Consultant Tania Morgan, who led the branding exercise, introduced the concepts and thought processes behind the new design and corporate image. She described it as the culmination of the COHSASA team’s efforts.

After many months of hard work, a “new” COHSASA has emerged.

“It was a strategic design process. If the gauge of rebranding reflects a spectrum of change, then the work done to date is not an evolution of the COHSASA brand but a revolution,” she said.

“We wanted to capture the graphic elements a company would need to signal that it is leading a groundswell to effect change in the way health care is delivered in Africa.”

She explained the various symbols and colours that had been deliberately chosen for the new COHSASA brand and emphasised that the selected brand designs were not the result of a haphazard or whimsical choice but the end result of a carefully thought-out strategy. The brand redesign supports COHSASA’s purpose to create a safe healthcare journey for every patient in Africa with the fundamental belief that quality healthcare is a human right.

She explained the thinking behind the new brand colours and how the core colours of the new COHSASA palette had been intentionally selected for meaning and differentiation.
Ms Morgan emphasised that the new COHSASA brand would speak to the profile of the company as leading the movement for better health care in Africa.