The Queen ‘Mamohato Me­morial Hospital (QMMH) has obtained the Council for Health Service Accredi­tation of Southern Africa (COHSASA) for compliance with International Health Standards and the significant improve­ments in healthcare delivery since its es­tablishment in 2011.

Three filter clinics of Mabote, Qoaling and Likotsi — all in Maseru — which started operating in 2010 were also ac­credited by COHSASA earlier this year.

Like QMMH, the three clinics are man­aged by a consortium of companies com­prising of Netcare (Pty) Ltd, Excel Health Services, a group of local doctors, D10 Investments, the Investment arm of Mohloli Chamber of Commerce, Afrin­nai, a Bloemfontein-based doctors, WIC (Women Investment Company) and Ba­sotho Women Investors.

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