Professor Gert van Zyl, new Chairman of COHSASA's Board
Prof. Gert van Zyl, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Free State (UFS), was recently elected as the new Chairman of the Board of the Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA). He takes office following a five-year period of service by former Chairman, Mr Albert Ramukumba who has been appointed as Past President. The new deputy Chairman is Mr Onno Schellekens, former MD of PharmAccess, the Netherlands-based organisation which has formed a collaborative alliance with COHSASA.
Prof. Van Zyl has been Head of the School of Medicine at UFS since 2001 and acting Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences since August 2009. He is an expert in family medicine, community-health and health-professions education. He was also the Chair and Deputy Chairperson of the Universitas Private Hospital doctors’ group in Bloemfontein for a number of years and a member of the Board of the Kimberley Hospital.
Prof. Van Zyl also serves on the Council of the SA Medical Association’s branch in the Free State. He also lectures undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the UFS School of Medicine. (Information courtesy of http://www.ufs.ac.za/news/index.php?sid=1903&cid=1&year=2010)