We’ve extended the deadline!


Are you interested in teaching a session at next year’s Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI’s) Africa Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare? You have even more time to submit your speaking proposal! Abstracts are now due on 22 September 2019.

We are looking for speaking proposals containing content that is tactical and actionable. We are especially interested in receiving proposals on:

  • Governing Quality
  • Healthcare Delivery Redesign
  • Transforming the Healthcare Workforce
  • Improvement in Difficult Settings



The IHI Africa Forum is the destination for healthcare professionals who are looking for expert guidance on quality and safety while making lasting connections. The conference takes place from 4–6 May 2020 in Johannesburg, South Africa. We hope to see you there!

Lead a workshop at IHI’s Africa Forum 2020. Call for Proposals (SUBMIT A PROPOSAL link to http://www.ihi.org/education/Conferences/AfricaForum/Pages/default.aspx?utm_campaign=2020_Africa_Forum&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=75229629&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_6uaGgveyy8eVDEwjcP8StEkFUMFWzvt-N7MY0fErDpNx7GwVO-yAZh7LFIxBX81QLdDF9tuyt1-yGJplBHcHWm7XREg&_hsmi=75230318 )


Not ready to register? Reserve your spot today at no cost.