COHSASA was delighted to host the face-to-face meeting of ISQua International Accreditation Programme (IAP) Council recently in Cape Town. The meeting brought together leaders in the field of quality improvement and accreditation from all parts of the globe. The Council is a sub-committee of ISQua’s board which supports ISQua’s International Accreditation Programme (IAP). The Accreditation Council is composed of 15 members of ISQua’s Accreditation Federation.

The Federation brought together representatives of healthcare accreditation, external evaluation and standards-setting bodies from around the world.  Many of the visitors to our shores met with their professional counterparts in South Africa and took time to explore our natural beauty and famous tourist attractions.

Members of the International Accreditation Programme of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) spent two days at COHSASA on March 19 and 20 for their regular face-to-face meeting. Pictured during the lunch-break were (from left): Mr Edward Chappy, Acting CEO of the Accreditation Council of Jordan and Chief of Party of the Jordan Healthcare Accreditation Project (JHAP); Professor Stuart Whittaker, Chief Executive Officer of the Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA); Dr Stephen Clark, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) and Quality in Practice (QIP);  Dr Carlos Hiran Goes de Souza, Client Manager in Portugal for CHKS in the United Kingdom; Mrs Wendy Nicklin, President and Chief Executive Officer of Accreditation Canada and Chair of the International Accreditation Programme Council of ISQua; Associate Professor Dr Kadar Marikar, Chief Executive Officer of  the Malaysia Society for Quality in Health (MSQH); Dr Charles Bruneau, Managing Director of Haute Autorite de Sante (HAS) in France; Ms Helene Beaard, Director of the Netherlands Institute for Accreditation in Healthcare (NIAZ), Netherlands; Carsten Engel, Deputy Chief Executive of the Danish Institute for Quality and Accreditation in Healthcare (IKAS), Denmark; Ms Triona Fortune, Director of Programmes at ISQua;  Mr Brian Johnston, Chief Executive of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS); Dr Bhupendra Kumar Rana, Joint Director at the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) in India; Mr Mark Brandon, the Chief Executive Officer of the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd (ACSAA) and Ms Paula Wilson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Joint Commission Resources (JCR) and Joint Commission International (JCI) of the USA.