The award, the Katrin Kleijnhans Quality Trophy will be awarded to an individual, a unit, a department or a discipline in a healthcare facility that has made the most impressive or substantial contribution to quality improvement during the course of the COHSASA accreditation process. The recipient is not selected by COHSASA but is chosen by the appropriate authority at the healthcare facility.
The 22-cm glass trophy honours the memory of COHSASA colleague, Dr Katrin Kleijnhans, who died on September 28, 2016 after a long illness. It is intended that the trophy carry forward her legacy and commemorate the enormous contribution that Dr Kleijnhans made to improving of the quality of health care.
After its initial presentation, it is hoped that the trophy will become an annual internal floating trophy, given to a deserving recipient at the facility. It is also envisaged that the name on the trophy will become synonymous with the values, efforts and rewards involved in continuing quality improvement and serve to encourage and acknowledge all such efforts in the future.