African Community of Practice Begins Again

African Community of Practice Begins Again

Jacqui Stewart, CEO of COHSASA,  has been appointed to the steering committee of the re-instatement of the African Community of Practice. After a break of 4 years (!), ISQua is excited to re-launch the African Community of Practice! We invite you to our first webinar...
Accreditation celebration at Cure Day Hospitals Paarl

Accreditation celebration at Cure Day Hospitals Paarl

Photo above: Staff of Cure Day Hospitals Paarl joins in celebrating the hospital’s third accreditation. This 21-bed day hospital is a thriving entity and is showing the way in delivering safe, quality care Left: Hospital Manager, Anel Scheepers, receives the COHSASA...
Ethiopian delegation visit to Mediclinic Paarl

Ethiopian delegation visit to Mediclinic Paarl

Pictured from the left: Dr Zewdie Mulisa Deksissa (High-Quality Health Systems Team Lead – QHA), Aden Adams (Technical manager), Helét Mostert (Pharmacy manager), Dr Mohammed Shikur Mussa (Vice President of the Ethiopian Healthcare Federation), Petra Sewing (COHSASA...