The Cohsasa Board

Mr Nhlanhla Nene

Former Minister of Finance of South Africa. He is now Chairman of ARISE BV and EMPACT Group (Pty) Ltd and a Non-Executive Director of Grobank.

Dr Brenda Kubheka (Vice Chairperson)

Founder and Managing Director of Health IQ Consulting,…

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…. she has worked in both the private and public sectors in South Africa and has a wealth of experience and knowledge in health service management, managed health care, public health, healthcare ethics, research, and lecturing.

Professor Ethelwynn Stellenberg

Emeritus Associate Professor: Department of Nursing and Midwifery at Stellenbosch University, National Chairperson: South African Medico-Legal Association.

Dr Gilbert Buckle

Founding Member of The ISQua Academy of Quality and Safety in Health Care (IAQS)…

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…. Dr Buckle is the Executive Director of the Africa Institute of Healthcare Quality, Safety and Accreditation (AFIHQSA) based in Ghana.

Professor Gert J van Zyl

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Free State (UFS)

 Professor Sibusiso Zuma

Associate Professor in the Department of Health Studies at the University of South Africa (UNISA).

The Board of Directors is collectively accountable to the community, funders and other stakeholders for COHSASA’s performance in relation to its mission and strategic objectives and for the effective stewardship of its operations, including financial and human resources.

The Board meets four times a year and one of its main tasks is to take decisions and issue accreditation awards to healthcare facilities based on the the recommendations provided to it by the Technical Committee. 

Since COHSASA is a Non Profit Company (NPC), it has no share capital and its Board members receive no remuneration. The Board consists of a minimum of six and a maximum of 16 directors with a quorum of at least 75% of directors present or represented by proxy for valid decisions and resolutions.

Board Members are appointed for their knowledge, skills and experience in a particular field of endeavour and they include doctors, nurses, administrators and entrepreneurs drawn from both public and private sectors who are considered leaders in their field.

A Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are elected from the ranks of the Board members to conduct meetings and assume leadership in decisions of policy and finance.